The Baringo County Conservancies Association (BCCA) was established in 2017 as a landscape-level membership organization supporting community conservancies throughout Baringo County. BCCA's mission is to foster sustainable land management and conservation efforts while enhancing the livelihoods of local communities.
The association organizes the conservancies into three distinct landscapes, each with unique ecological and cultural attributes.

1. Lake Bogoria Ecosystem Landscape

Irong Community Conservancy

  • Sub County: Baringo South
  • Size: 61,450 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture & Pastoralism
  • Unique Features: This area is an archaeological gem and a vital breeding site and migratory corridor for the greater kudu. It also boasts an abundance of nectar tree species, such as Acacia Meilifera.

Chuine Community Conservancy

  • Sub County: Baringo South
  • Size: 1,800 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture & Pastoralism
  • Unique Features: Renowned for biodiversity research, Chuine serves as a breeding ground for the greater kudu and a crucial migratory corridor for wildlife moving from Laikipia to Lake Bogoria National Reserve.

Kiborgoch Community Wildlife and Wetland Conservancy

  • Sub County: Baringo South
  • Size: 2,690 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture & Pastoralism
  • Unique Features: With both wetland and dryland environments, Kiborgoch is adjacent to Lake Bogoria National Reserve. Notable species include zebras and ostriches, and the area supports irrigation agriculture, biodiversity research, and livestock keeping.

2. Kamnarok-Lake Baringo Landscape

Ruko Community Wildlife Conservancy

  • Sub County: Baringo South/Tiaty East
  • Size: 19,000 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture, Pastoralism & Fishing
  • Unique Features: This conservancy features a Rothschild giraffe sanctuary, a mix of wet and dryland habitats, and supports a peaceful co-existence model between previously warring communities. Wildlife includes greater and lesser kudus, ostriches, waterbucks, and buffaloes.

Kaptuya Community Wildlife Conservancy

  • Sub County: Tiaty East
  • Size: 8,093 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture & Pastoralism
  • Unique Features: Kaptuya is mineral-rich, with red rubies, garnets, and fluorspar. Wildlife includes leopards, greater kudu, warthogs, klipspringers, impalas, and rock hyraxes.

Kabarion Community Conservancy

  • Sub County: Baringo North
  • Size: 67,600 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture & Pastoralism
  • Unique Features: This area combines wetland and dryland environments, neighboring Lake Bogoria National Reserve. Iconic species include zebras and ostriches, supporting activities like irrigation agriculture, biodiversity research, and livestock keeping.

Ngenyin Community Conservation Area

  • Sub County: Baringo South
  • Size: 49 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture & Pastoralism
  • Unique Features: Ngenyin offers cattle fattening, boat ride activities, nature trails, and is a bird hub with numerous species. It neighbors Lake Baringo and features tourism facilities and a grass reseeding program.

3. Western Highlands Landscape

Kimng’ochoch Community Conservancy

  • Sub County: Baringo Central
  • Size: 575 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture
  • Unique Features: Home to indigenous red cedar and white colobus monkeys, this area includes a camping site for religious rituals and research activities, with plans to establish a research facility.

Morop Tarambus Wildlife Conservancy

  • Sub County: Baringo Central
  • Size: 2,100 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture
  • Unique Features: The flat Morop hill serves as a religious shrine and cultural rites area, featuring a forested environment with endangered tree species like sandalwood and red cedar. It has an artificial dam used for fishing and supplying fresh water to Kabarnet town, with wildlife including honey badgers, guinea fowls, and hornbills.

Kiplombe Community Conservancy

  • Size: 620 Acres
  • Number of Beneficiaries: 2,800
  • Registered Members: 300
  • Volunteer Ranger: 1
  • Unique Features: Kiplombe has a history with black rhinos, which were relocated to Lake Nakuru National Park. It is rich in bird species and historical caves.

Kiborit Community Conservancy

  • Sub County: Koibatek
  • Size: 101.25 Ha
  • Main Livelihoods: Agriculture & Pastoralism
  • Unique Features: Kiborit is developing tourism facilities such as a golf course and nature trails. It is also known for diverse bird and butterfly species.

Through these conservancies, BCCA is fostering community-driven conservation efforts that not only protect wildlife and biodiversity but also enhance the livelihoods of the people of Baringo County. This model of conservation emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices and the critical role of local communities in preserving their natural heritage.