Embracing the Trails: Our Journey Begins

We met in 2013 during a hike at Ngong Hills, each of us in the company of friends. A shared love for hiking brought us together—Caite, the adventurous lady, and Kinyua, the spirited gentleman. From that moment, a unique friendship blossomed, fueled by our passion for nature and the thrill of the trails. During the interview, their friendship bond was immediately apparent. They fondly refer to each other as "Kasin," a nickname they kept as a private joke, adding a touch of mystery to their bond. During our interview, Kinyua couldn't help but tease Caite about the shoes her friend wore on their first hike at Ngong Hills back in 2013, laughing, "Ni kama mnaenda market" (It's like you're going to the market). Despite the worn-out shoes barely making it to the Kiserian entrance, they managed to complete the hike, marking the beginning of many adventures to come.


Our Adventures

Since then, our adventures have taken us to Karura Forest, Castle Forest, and back to Ngong Hills. We've conquered Kieni Farm, Mount Kilimambogo, Mount Longonot, and the Aberdare Range, including the iconic Table Mountain and Seven Ponds. Each hike has its own story and its own set of memories.

Our Daily Escape: Karura Forest

Living near Karura Forest, it has become our go-to place for evening walks. The serene environment, the fresh air, and the beautiful views make it the perfect spot to unwind and share our day's experiences. It's a haven where we find inspiration, keep fit, and nurture our love for adventure. Caite loves listening to country music during these walks, adding to the peaceful atmosphere.


A Unique Hiking Ritual

For Kinyua and Caite, every hike ends with a well-deserved treat of Nyama Choma and a cold drink at a garden restaurant or any place with outdoor seating and a great view. If time allows, they relax with a book or engage in a friendly game of Scrabble or chess before heading home, adding a layer of relaxation and camaraderie to their hiking routine.

Planning Our Adventures

Sometimes, our schedules don't align, and we hike separately. But whenever we have the time, we plan our trips together. Most of their hikes are self-organized, except for one or two trips arranged by tour operators. They find joy in planning their routes, tailoring each adventure to their preferences.

Weather Warriors

Weather is never a deterrent for these enthusiasts. They prefer to start their hikes early in the morning to avoid the heat and are undeterred by light rain during the wet season. It's all about dressing right and embracing the elements.

A Memorable Adventure: Hiking Mount Longonot

One of our most memorable hikes was our day trip to Mount Longonot during the wet season. The excitement started from the moment we left Nairobi at dawn, with the cool morning breeze adding to our anticipation. The drive itself was filled with laughter, music, and discussions about past hikes and future dreams.

Arriving at the foot of Mount Longonot, we were greeted by the impressive sight of the dormant volcano, shrouded in mist. The trail, slick with mud, promised an adventurous challenge. As we geared up, the first drops of rain began to fall, adding a fresh layer of excitement to our hike.

“Looks like we're in for a wet one,” Kinyua grinned. “Ready, Kasin?”

“Always!” Caite replied, adjusting her rain jacket.

The trail began with a gentle incline through grasslands, quickly transitioning to a steeper, rockier path. The rain picked up, turning the trail into a slippery obstacle course. We found ourselves laughing at the sheer absurdity of our determination to hike in such weather.

“Remember to pace yourself,” Kinyua advised. “It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”

Halfway up, the trail became even more treacherous. We paused under a large tree, taking a break to catch our breath and sip some water. The view, despite the rain, was breathtaking. Raindrops danced on the leaves, creating a soothing symphony around us.

“I love how alive the forest feels in the rain,” Caite mused. “Every step feels like an adventure.”

“It's not just about reaching the summit,” Caite said. “It's about every step, every breath, and every moment we share.”

Rejuvenated, we resumed our climb. The final stretch was the toughest, with the path winding steeply towards the crater rim. Our boots sank into the mud, and we slipped more than once, but the sight of the crater rim spurred us on. Reaching the top, we were rewarded with a stunning view of the crater, filled with mist, and the vast expanse of the Rift Valley. We stood in awe, soaking in the beauty around us.

We walked around the crater rim, marvelling at the sight of the dense forest below. Kinyua, ever the adventurer, suggested we have a little fun. We decided to race to a prominent viewpoint. The burst of energy, the laughter, and the friendly competition made the experience even more memorable. During the wet season, the trail was slippery, and we couldn't help but laugh as we fell and got back up, determined to reach the summit.

As we descended, the conversation turned reflective. We talked about the challenges we faced, both on the trail and in life, and how hiking had taught us resilience, patience, and the importance of savouring each moment.

“Remember that time we fell simultaneously and rolled down a few feet?” Caite laughed.

“How could I forget? I thought we’d never stop!” Kinyua chuckled.

We finally made it back to the base, muddy, wet, but exhilarated. The sense of accomplishment and the bond we shared made every slip and fall worth it.


Hiking Tips from Kate and Kinyua

  • Check the Weather: Always check the weather forecast before heading out. Dressing appropriately can make all the difference.

  • Wear the Right Gear: Invest in good hiking boots, moisture-wicking clothing, and a comfortable backpack. Your feet and back will thank you!

  • Pack Essentials: Carry water, snacks, a first-aid kit, a map, a compass, and a multi-tool. Don't forget sunscreen and insect repellent.

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink water regularly, even if you don't feel thirsty. Dehydration can sneak up on you.

  • Leave No Trace: Respect nature. Carry out all your trash, and leave the trails as beautiful as you found them.

  • Know Your Limits: Listen to your body. It's okay to take breaks and turn back if needed.

A Shared Love for Nature and Fitness
Their story is one of friendship, fitness, and the joy of discovery. Each hike brings new experiences, laughter, and a deeper bond. Whether braving the rain, slipping on muddy trails, or simply enjoying a peaceful walk in Karura, Kinyua and Caite exemplify the spirit of adventure and the magic of hiking with a buddy.