Here are details on 11 of the best hiking trails in Kenya, categorized by difficulty level, including attractions, climate, length, and what hikers can expect.

Easy Hiking Trails:

1. Karura Forest Trail (Nairobi) - 5 km

This scenic forest trail is perfect for a leisurely nature walk. Attractions include towering bamboo trees, monkeys, bushbucks, and over 200 bird species. The shaded path stays cool with Nairobi's moderate climate.

2. Ngong Hills (Nairobi) - Various trails from 2-5 km

Enjoy panoramic views over Nairobi from these hills with well-marked trails. The easy terrain allows for a relaxing hike while spotting wildflowers and wildlife like zebras and gazelles. Mild Nairobi climate year-round.

3. Oloolua Nature Trail (Karen, Nairobi) - 5 km loop

Wander through Oloolua's indigenous forest on this flat, shaded path. Look for bushbabies, forest monkeys, and beautiful bird species. Moderate climate similar to Nairobi.

Mild Hiking Trails:

4. Ol Donyo Sabuk (Mount Kilimambogo) - 10 km round-trip.

Ol Donyo Sabuk offers a nice challenge for fit hikers with beautiful scenery, potential wildlife sightings, and cultural interactions. The moderate difficulty level makes it suitable for most healthy hiker

Elevation Gain: Approximately 600 meters from the trailhead to the summit.


Scenic views of the Athi-Kapiti plains and the Rift Valley

Opportunity to spot wildlife like bushbabies, colobus monkeys, buffaloes, and over 200 bird species

Unique rock formations and caves along the trail

Cultural interactions with local Maasai communities

Climate: The lower slopes have a hot, dry savanna climate typical of the region. As you gain elevation, the temperatures become milder. The best times to hike are during the cooler dry seasons from June to October and January to March.

5. Aberdare Ranges - Various day hikes from 5-15 km

These ancient mountains offer moderate trails through bamboo forests, past waterfalls and wildlife like bushbucks. Cool temperatures due to altitude. Stunning ridge views.

Hiking trails; Elephant Hil, Karuru Waterfall Trail, Table Mountain and 7 Ponds, Mount Kipipiri, Mount Satima via Dragon Teeth and Mount Kinangop Summit

6. Kakamega Forest - Various trails from 3-15 km

Kenya's last rainforest remnant with looped trails to spot primates, birds, butterflies, and botanical diversity. Warm, humid climate.

7. Lewa Wildlife Conservancy - Guided walking safaris 5-15 km

Take a safari on foot escorted by rangers to view black rhinos, Grevy's zebras, elephants, and more in a private conservancy setting. Dry climate.

8. Hell's Gate National Park - Various trails from 3-15 km

This unique park has hiking circuits through narrow gorges and past towering cliffs. Look for zebras, antelopes, and raptors. Very hot and dry conditions.

Challenging Hikes/Mountain Treks:

9. Mount Kenya Circuit - 65 km loop, 5-6 days

Circumnavigate Mt. Kenya through diverse ecosystems from bamboo to glaciers. Alpine scenery, wildlife, and the option to summit Point Lenana (4,985m). Cool to cold mountain climate.

The two highest points on Mount Kenya, Batian and Nelion, sit just 140 metres apart, and are often referred to as the “Gates of Mist”. The Normal Route on both is a Grade IV climb and was first ascended in 1929. Batian is climbed in two days, and Nelion in one. The route begins above the Lewis Glacier, which can be reached from the Austrian Hut, and today, it’s usually climbed in twenty-roped pitches. The summit of Point Lenana is more accessible to hikers without ropes. Despite being a strato-volcano, the peak itself gets its rugged profile from previously being covered in ice. 

There are three main routes on the mountain that cater for 90% of all trekkers visiting the mountain- Naro Moru to the West, Sirimon on the North West and Chogoria on the South East. Most people go up and down a combination of these three.

Not only should you make time to acclimatize, but taking your time will often give you the best experiences. You may also want to spend a rest day in the park after your hike so giving yourself some extra time is a good idea. Hikers usually complete their Mount Kenya hikes in around four to six days.

10. Rift Valley Lakes Circuit - 180 km point-to-point, 7-10 days

Strenuous multi-day trek with steep ascents/descents, passing beautiful lakes like Naivasha and Nakuru. See diverse landscapes and wildlife. Mild, semi-arid climate.

11. Mount Longonot - 7.5 km loop

Tough day hike to the crater's rim of this dormant volcano with steep sections. Endemic wildlife and sweeping Rift Valley views. Hot, dry conditions.

Whether it's an easy nature trail or a multi-day mountaineering adventure, Kenya offers incredible hiking experiences showcasing the country's diverse landscapes, wildlife, and cultures. Proper preparation, gear, and guides are essential.